Hemorrhoids are a common thing nowadays, due to the many factors. These factors include genetics, food that we eat, lifestyle, health condition, etc.. However, believe it or not, many people still don’t know what are hemorrhoids exactly. According to statistics, almost three out of four adult people have hemorrhoids at some period of time in life. Fortunately, hemorrhoids treatment options and natural remedies are available.
Hemorrhoids are, basically, swollen veins that appear in the anus or lower rectum. They are also called piles and visually they remind of varicose veins. There are two types of hemorrhoids – internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. If they develop inside the rectum, then we are talking about internal hemorrhoids. But, if they develop outside the anus around the skin, then we are talking about external hemorrhoids. Sometimes, people can develop a combination of both types oh hemorrhoids.
Nevertheless, the good news is that hemorrhoids are completely treatable! Find out how to cure hemorrhoids in a natural way!
Before Hemorrhoids Treatment, Recognize Signs and Symptoms
When you ask yourself “how to cure hemorrhoids”, or when you seek for hemorrhoids treatment solutions, you should know what are the signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids. There are several hemorrhoid indicators you should be aware of and they depend on the type of hemorrhoids.
Symptoms of external hemorrhoids namely include itching sensation, irritation and discomfort in an anal region. Depending on the severity of the condition, external hemorrhoids can cause pain or swelling in an anal area. In some cases, bleeding can occur. Unlike the external hemorrhoids, you won’t be able see or even feel internal hemorrhoids, because they develop inside of rectum area. But, you will feel some sort of discomfort, irritation or strain when you pass a stool.
Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids include bleeding while defecating or even during bowel movements. If a hemorrhoid gets through an anal opening (protruding hemorrhoids), then there will be pain.
If a blood, due to the hemorrhoid condition, builds a clot in an external hemorrhoid, it will result in severe pain, inflammation and hard lump in an anal area.
What Causes Hemmorhoids? (Risk Factors)
Prevention is the best way to keep hemorrhoids away from you. But, sometimes, their appearance or occurrence is inevitable. In these situations, people can become anxious, which is why you will want to know how to cure hemorrhoids. Under a lot of pressure, the veins in rectum area can stretch or become bulgy or swollen. Now, the question is – why do veins in an anal region tend to stretch? There are some typical conditions that cause hemorrhoids.
Sitting for a long period of time can cause hemorrhoids. For example, riding a bike for a prolonged period of time in hard seat will cause the vein swelling and stretching. Straining during defecation can also cause hemorrhoids. Pregnancy, obesity and chronic constipation or diarrhea are common causes of piles. Genetic factors can contribute to hemorrhoid development. If you have a family history of hemorrhoids, it is more likely that you will develop them, as well
Poor and low-fiber diet without or with very little fruits and vegetables can cause piles. Plants are natural sources of fiber, which is why you should consume them on a daily basis, in order to prevent hemorrhoids. Heavy lifting and straining in the gym or even anal sexual intercourse can lead to piles.
Risk of hemorrhoids increases with aging. That is why hemorrhoids treatment is of great importance. With aging, the tissue that surrounds and supports veins in an anal region tends to get weaker. The same thing happens when a woman is pregnant, due to the pressure on her rectum area.
Complications With Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids will cause discomfort, but very rarely they will cause some complications. In exceptional cases, piles can cause anemia. When there is a lot of chronic blood loss due to the hemorrhoids, an anemia can occur. In this situation, your body doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout your cells, as well as tissues.
However, if there is not enough blood supply to internal hemorrhoids, this can cause “asphyxiation” of hemorrhoids, which will lead to a lot of extreme pain. In some cases, hemorrhoid can become thrombosed. This happens when a blood clot forms inside of a hemorrhoid. Even though this discomfort is not dangerous, it can cause a lot of pain. Also, sometimes it requires drainage.
Complication with hemorrhoids require immediate hemorrhoids treatment.
Hemorrhoids Treatment – How To Cure Them Naturally?
If you notice any sign or symptom of hemorrhoids, then hemorrhoid treatment is a must. But, this treatment doesn’t mean you should automatically talk to your doctor. There are natural remedies that will help you cure hemorrhoids once and for all!
HemAway offers you a revolutionary patented technology in treating, curing and healing hemorrhoids forever! An anti-hemorrhoid toilet seat adapter is an effective medical device that will drastically reduce all of your hemorrhoids symptoms. If you have an extremely painful external or internal hemorrhoids, an anti-hemorrhoid toilet seat adapter will ease your problems and make them go away completely! It’s enough to use this device one to three times, and you will feel and immediate relief. In other words, you will experience positive effects in hemorrhoids treatment via this device after 1-3 uses.
An anti-hemorrhoid toilet seat adapter does not cause any contraindications or side-effects and you can also use it as a prevention. Additionally, you don’t need to use any unpleasant lubricants while utilizing anti-hemorrhoid toilet seat adapter. The HemAway adapter is suitable for adults and children, as well. Our recommendation is to use this adapter continuously in order to avoid the reappearance of hemorrhoids.
It’s simple, its’ easy, it’s healthy! Get rid of hemorrhoids now! HemAway’s mission is to help you cure both internal and external hemorrhoids.