Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in your anus and rectum. Symptoms of hemorrhoids include pain, itching, and rectal bleeding. Hemorrhoids can develop either inside or outside the anus and rectum, hence internal and external hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are a common problem where an estimate of 75% of individuals experiences them at some point. Hemorrhoids can cause mild to severe discomfort; hence home hemorrhoids treatment can make them tolerable.
Hemorrhoids usually do not harm but instead can make you bleed painlessly. If they do not hurt, then it means that the hemorrhoids may have moved to the outside of the anal canal during a bowel movement and become enlarged. The hemorrhoids can become painful if it develops a blood clot, commonly known as thrombosis.
There are various ways people may try to shrink down painful hemorrhoids, which might help people. It is advisable therefore, you undergo a proper diagnosis before you try home treatment for hemorrhoids. It is essential to see your doctor, especially if you have never had hemorrhoids before.
So, if you ask yourself “how to cure hemorrhoids at home fast and quick”, here are ten natural remedies to answer that.

How to Cure Hemorrhoids at Home Fast?

drug-free hemorrhoids treatment HemAway 2
Use of Witch Hazel!
Witch hazel is highly recommended because it reduces pain, itching, and bleeding until hemorrhoids fade out. You can purchase witch hazel in liquid form and apply it directly to the hemorrhoids. You can find witch hazel in products like anti-itch wipes and soaps.
Witch hazel contains tannins and oils that may help bring down inflammation and slow bleeding hence recommended for home treatment for hemorrhoids.
Some scientists also argue that witch hazel also tightens the skin as a natural anti-inflammatory. It is also safe to use witch hazel directly on the hemorrhoids hence ideal for curing hemorrhoids painlessly.

Sitz Baths!
Sitz bath is a warm water bath for the buttocks and hips. It relieves itching and irritation hence ideal for home hemorrhoid treatment. Pharmacists sell anti-hemorrhoid toilet seat adapter that fits so well over a toilet seat and offers a convenient way to soak and soothe the area.
It’s advisable for people with painful hemorrhoids to sit in warm water for 15 minutes, several times a day, especially after a bowel movement. A sitz bath is generally available at a local pharmacy; hence you can undertake home hemorrhoids treatment without a doctor.

Aloe Vera!
Aloe Vera gel can be found as an ingredient in other products, but you should only use pure aloe Vera gel for hemorrhoids treatment. Pure aloe Vera gel can be harvested directly from inside an aloe’s plant leaves. Aloe Vera contains anti-inflammatory properties that may help soothe the inflammation of hemorrhoids hence reducing irritation.
Aloe Vera is the recommended one in treating hemorrhoids at home in its pure form, and you should avoid cream with other ingredients. To know your allergic reaction with Aloe Vera, rub a dime-sized amount onto your forearm, then wait 24-48 hours, and if no reaction occurs, it should be safe for use.

drug-free hemorrhoids treatment HemAway

Epsom Salt and Glycerin!
If you experience very painful hemorrhoids, then this remedy is for you since Epsom salt provides relief by reducing pain. To cure hemorrhoids without pain, you are advised to make a compound containing the following ingredients and then apply it directly to the inflamed area.

    • Mix 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt with two tablespoons of glycerin
    • Apply the mixture to a gauze pad and place it on the painful area
    • Leave this application on the spot for 15-20 minutes
    • Repeat every 4-6 hours until the pain eases.

Over-The-Counter Ointments!
Home treatment for hemorrhoids is made possible by the presence of over-the-counter ointments. Over-the-counter ointments and creams such as Preparation H, that can be found in almost every drug store and are very effective since they offer immediate relief.
Some ointments and creams reduce swelling and contribute a lot to home hemorrhoid treatment faster and quicker. If your cream contains hydrocortisone, you are advised not to use it for more than a week at a time.

Soothing Wipes!
Using a toilet paper after a bowel movement could aggravate existing hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is advisable to use soft wipes that are highly recommended when having hemorrhoids since they keep you clean without causing further irritation.
There are wipes with soothing and anti-hemorrhoids ingredients such as witch hazel or Aloe Vera hence an added advantage to home treatment for hemorrhoids. Take precautions when purchasing your soothing wipes to be free from alcohol, perfume, or other irritants since these substances could aggravate hemorrhoids symptoms instead of relieving them.

Stool Softeners!
Home treatment for hemorrhoids is also crucial in the stool softener you will choose. A stool softener such as psyllium contributes a lot to reducing constipation, makes the stool softer, and makes it easier to have quick, painless bowel movements.
Many stool softeners are in the form of powders, capsules, and liquids that you take by mouth between once and three times a day.

Loose Cotton Clothing!
When your focus is to cure hemorrhoids without pain, then the type of clothing you put on should be of significant priority. The fabric of your attire plays a vital role in either reducing or increasing hemorrhoids. What is suitable for treating hemorrhoids at home is swapping out tight clothes made with polyester with ultra-breathable cotton, especially cotton underwear.
Cotton fabric, especially underwear, helps keep the anal area both clean and dry, reducing hemorrhoids symptoms. It is essential to avoid using detergents that are perfumed and fabric softener to reduce irritation.

Anti-Hemorrhoid Toilet Seat Adapter the Life Changer Seat!!!
Life Changer Seat toilet seat adapter, as a drug-free hemorrhoids treatment solution is a patented innovation that is the anti-hemorrhoids toilet seat adapter. It is a proven solution to give you a hemorrhoids-free life. You only need to buy it once since it does not require any filing or change of spare parts. You get to experience results after 1-3 uses and if you do not experience positive results within 30 days, you are guaranteed your money back. Order your Life Changer Seat adapter now and put all of your hemorrhoid problems to an end!

HemAway cure hemorrhoids at home

Final Thoughts
At the age of 50, many people ought to have had hemorrhoids before, and since it is not fatal, we should come up with ways of reducing the affection. Therefore, home treatment for hemorrhoids remedies should be put into place, and they are discussed above. The above remedies are painless; hence, one has a wide variety to choose from and can perform the treatment at their homes’ comfort.
To top-up on the above remedies, it is essential to eat enough fiber and drink at least eight water glasses a day that is 25 grams a day for women and 38 grams a day for men. These diets make stool easier to pass and keep the problem from recurring, hence cure hemorrhoids painlessly.



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